
This is a blog about adventures.

If you take a look at the URL, you would be right in assuming that I will be writing about my move from Michigan to London. What you might not know is that I am moving to London to get my Master's in European Studies at UCL (University College London for the uninitiated). Obviously this is the great adventure in my life for the time being, and my posts will show my preoccupation with the topics of London and all of the new experiences to be had there.

This is why I love cities: they bring people together and make things happen.

I sound so sappy right now.

This is me. I just thought this picture was funny. I'm not quite as self-obsessed as I appear.

Other relevant information about me/what I'm doing here is as follows:

My name is Sarah. I am 22 years old. I recently graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in German. My decision to study German was entirely random, but I don't regret it. For a time, I studied creative writing, but eventually I realized that the creative writing courses just led to self-censoring. Sometimes I have trouble with the idea of other people reading my writing, and I would say that this blog partially exists so that I can become more comfortable with writing for an audience. So if it seems like I'm experimenting with themes and styles, I probably am. Hey, maybe the randomness will be exciting.

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