Friday, July 13, 2012

Nice to meetcha... what are you doin' in my waters?

Well, hi. My name is Kimberly, and I'm Sarah's sister. In fact, teachers throughout the years have referred to me as such "Oh, so you're Sarah's sister?". Sometimes even going to the extreme of forgetting my name and calling me Sarah.

Aside from that, I am 16, and a rising high school senior. I enjoy singing and theater, ice skating, pretending I can speak foreign languages, and pretending that I like to run (obviously I love playing games of pretend). I also like cake. And reading. And watching television. Normal stuff, I guess.

This is me doing magic. Am I Sabrina the Teenage Witch? Probably.
In my blogging, I will probably cover subjects such as applying to college, the traveling that I do, books, and whatever strikes my fancy. I suppose now I will insert a photo that makes me smile in attempts to make my reader smile. Cheers. Well, bye then.

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